Tapping your way to healing
with Lydia Fox EFT and MR practitioner
087 7411584

"EFT has been a revelation for me. I went to Lydia looking for some help in coping with a difficult time in my life. I was feeling frustrated, depressed and emotionally unstable and just finding it hard to cope on a day-to-day basis.
Lydia's kind gentle manner was exactly what I needed. I had no experience with EFT but found it a truly rewarding experience. I felt so calm and relaxed after the first session. I was tired but I felt a real lift in my spirits. I continued to attend Lydia for EFT for another few sessions and after the last session was able to walk out feeling in total control of my life for the first time in a long time. It has really helped me to find clarity and peace of mind. I would highly recommend EFT to anyone who needs help dealing with any difficulty in their life. "
"Hi Lydia, the [second and] last session with you has changed my life literally. I am no longer stuck in the past. I have released the sadness. (...) kids are doing well now too. (...) You have helped my kids and me SOOOO much. People should know how amazing EFT and you are. Everyone should experience [EFT] if they're struggling with something."
“I am doing very well, I have not eaten any sweets since we last met, yippee! I would love to meet up again sometime maybe to deal with another addiction. EFT really does work, thanks again!”
“Dear Lydia, thank you so much this morning. You’re an angel. I have a lovely tiredness in my body, if that makes sense, very relaxed.”
"I had one EFT session with Lydia to treat ongoing nerve pain (post herpetic) in my back after having had shingles twice. The change was dramatic, by the end of the session, the pain that I had had constantly for almost two years had lifted and continued to improve over the next few days. Then it was gone! I could scarcely believe this as it was so quick and I had tried so many other things: medical interventions, drugs, all sorts of alternative techniques, and nothing had ever worked. But this did, and seven months later I'm still pain free. A gift, thank you Lydia."
“I’m feeling so relaxed and in peace. Very strange yet very pleasant sensation! I started feeling good later on during the day [of the EFT session] while I was with [my friend]. We were talking about my future and everything seemed easy! This is all very new to me. I was also very touched by the words you used to describe my ailments.” (translated from French)
“ Another big thank you for the children. They both asked me to tap again before going to bed. I’m thinking of doing [EFT] for myself too.” (translated from French)
"Lydia, I'll talk to you soon. Everything changed since EFT. I've met an amazing man. It feels like a dream :-)"
" I went to Lydia two years ago. I had spent years and a lot of money on swimming classes, but I could never learn as my fear of water stopped me from learning. I would panic if the water went over my head and could never relax in the water. I really wanted to learn to swim so I said I'd give Lydia a go. I went once and then booked a swimming lesson. I spent a few days going over what I could remember from Lydia's class and session. Even travelling to the pool I was tapping. I met a fantastic swimming instructor and a new chapter in my life began. I continued with tapping and swimming classes for a few weeks. Now I can swim the length of a pool, dive under water and I've also been swimming in the sea. Tapping was the first step on that journey. So thanks Lydia."
"I woke up this morning thinking that there was something wrong, I was twisting and turning thinking that something is not right. I then started roaring laughing, there was no pain in any part of my abdomen, not just the part you worked on yesterday, but no pain in my whole abdomen! It took me 5 minutes to realise I had no pain in my abdomen. (...)
When I got home yesterday the pain was chronic, it was as bad as it had been, (but there was no pain where you worked on) It was all over my lower abdomen. I went to bed, got up for an hour and went back to bed until I woke this morning.....pain free for the first time in 7 months.......I was singing and laughing to myself in the kitchen and walking up the road to work!
I had some dreams last night....normally I don't remember my dreams but I remember these as if they just happened.
Thank you Lydia....Thank you."
"I was sexually abused and raped on an on-going basis from the age of 8 to 11. There were two paedophile rings involved, which included neighbours and local clergy. As an adult I have always been plagued by sickness and problems. So many times my family saved me from taking my own life. Living this life has always been torture for me until I met an amazing psychologist about 3 years ago. It helped me along so far, however I was still suffering from severe trauma, each day constantly triggered by smells, taste, touch, etc... It was a nightmare to get through. I could not get on with my daily life being constantly traumatised by memories.
I was referred to Lydia Fox one day, and since then I have not looked back. She has helped me in ways that are so hard to explain through words. I was blown away by Lydia's warmth and openness, I instantly relaxed with her and it takes me a while to trust people. Within the first session, I felt a huge change, it was incredible and since then I've been going to her once a week or every 2 weeks. I love our sessions because I know each time I leave, it's another bond broken with old behavioural patterns and most importantly my abusers . I am now able to hold down a part time job, which was only a dream before. Now I can work away without triggers going off in my head (...) Lydia has also taught me to tap by myself everytime my body is on alert. The freedom E.F.T with Lydia has brought into my life is everything I ever dreamed of. After each session I get closer to peace of mind. I used to think that was just a fantasy till I met Lydia."
"EFT was a wonderful surprise for me! Issues that had burdened me for most of my life literally fell away after a couple of sessions. I was both awestruck and delighted! I felt a release after each session, with a growing strength and love enveloping me.
If EFT was a wonderful surprise, then Lydia was an even greater one! She is so compassionate and authentic. Her presence, warmth and understanding are a blessing. I feel that Lydia has a natural ability to facilitate an individual's healing and is herself a natural born healer. I am looking forward to our next EFT session together. "
“Thank you Lydia my talented and caring friend. (...) Been improving steadily over last couple of weeks and really felt like the EFT gave me a tremendous boost (...) Pain is so much less and now limited to a couple of hours in the morning so got out and about this week (...) A good week and improving every day.
Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful time energy love and EFT training with me- all of it has helped me heal, and am really interested that I just didn't react all week- I felt quite outside and detached from what was going on around me, so it worked!!
Well done and thank you my friend!!”
ON ADDICTION TO COFFEE - up to 7 cups a day (phone session):
“Hi Lydia, still coffee free and no urge for coffee. It’s great as I didn’t realise I had a constant pain in my stomach from coffee until it stopped. (...)”
"I had heard good things about EFT and am open to alternative therapies generally. I booked a session with Lydia to do EFT for my fear of public speaking. I am called upon regularly enough for work to make presentations and have always dreaded them. I found the session with Lydia very good for a number of reasons. I found her approach excellent, she was very intuitive (I sometimes found it difficult to put my feelings or thoughts into words and she intuitively knew what I was trying to communicate). She was very skilled and made me feel very comfortable and at ease. I found that things came up that I had not connected to fear of public speaking. Afterwards, I generally felt way more relaxed speaking publicly. I would highly recommend working with Lydia, she is a very warm and kind person and highly skilled in EFT."
"To be honest, I was pretty sceptical when I first heard of EFT, but being generally quite a stressed person, I thought I might as well try anything. I was going through a very challenging time.
After each session, I didn't feel a result straight away but I was blown away by the effect the following morning. I don't know if it's the same for everybody, but that's the way it worked for me. Now I have taken the habit to skype Lydia for an EFT session every time I feel upset or tormented, and I feel great afterwards. What I really like about EFT is that you don't have to talk and talk and tell all about your life. I recommend EFT with all my heart for everyone and any problem. Just try it. Put it this way: I know I wouldn't have passed my exams only for Lydia's help and EFT." (translated from French)